Company’s Testimonial Videos Bridge an Important Gap
Video testimonials can resonate and establish trust more effectively than other marketing methods.

Comfort Keepers is a nationwide company that provides care to seniors in the comfort of their own homes. The company differentiates itself by providing in-home care instead of requiring seniors to move out of their homes and into a facility. Its services include 24-hour care, in-home nurse care, general regular personal in-home care, and specialized care.
The decision to hire an in-home caregiver can be difficult for families because it means entrusting the safety of their loved ones to a stranger. This is particularly true for decision-making clients, who are often the children or family members of seniors. Comfort Keepers’ St. Louis franchise knew personal video testimonials would bridge a critical gap by building trust and understanding so these families would feel more comfortable hiring a caregiver. While Comfort Keepers’ corporate office provided some basic marketing materials, they weren’t tailored enough to reach the local St. Louis audience effectively. This meant that the franchise had to develop its own marketing strategies that would resonate with its specific audience.
If a local marketing partner could bridge the gap between the content provided by the franchise and the content needed to make conversions, Comfort Keepers St. Louis would see the marketing growth they needed to reach their goals. One way to do that would be to create personal video testimonials from clients, caregivers, and client family members. This would bridge a critical gap by building trust and understanding so these families would feel more comfortable hiring a caregiver. Comfort Keepers enlisted the help of Black Raven to create these videos. The team at Black Raven shot multiple testimonial videos in clients' homes to share an inside look at what it’s like to work with Comfort Keepers. Each video featured a personal story from a senior, their family members, or their caregiver. These narratives shared the trust that was built with Comfort Keepers as it brought care into someone’s home - and showcased the benefits of that in-home attention. The videos highlighted the importance of Comfort Keepers' services and gave decision-makers the confidence they needed to hire a caregiver for their loved ones. Once video production wrapped, Black Raven edited and embedded these videos on the company’s website.
Comfort Keepers enlisted the help of Black Raven to create these videos. The team at Black Raven shot multiple testimonial videos in clients' homes to share an inside look at what it’s like to work with Comfort Keepers. Each video featured a personal story from a senior, their family members, or their caregiver. These narratives shared the trust that was built with Comfort Keepers as it brought care into someone’s home - and showcased the benefits of that in-home attention. The videos highlighted the importance of Comfort Keepers' services and gave decision-makers the confidence they needed to hire a caregiver for their loved ones. The testimonial videos created by Black Raven for Comfort Keepers' St. Louis franchise were more than just marketing materials. They were a reflection of the brand's commitment to providing quality in-home senior care services.
67% of people are more likely to make a purchase after watching a testimonial video.