Hot 2022 Web Design Trends: Typography

Typography has been a major part of print design for decades now. However, the field is finally moving to the forefront of web design trends. Typographic elements are becoming a primary visual linchpin in a web page’s design. They are no longer relegated to a supporting role or merely conveying information.

Big Typography

A tangible expression of this trend lies in what designers call “big typography”. The bigger, the better! Stretch a large typeface across the page as a design element. Example: Choreograffiti. Instead of visual markers like borders, creative alignment and changes in font are the new trendy ways to differentiate between sections and guide the reader through your website. 

Typographic Hero Sections

Similarly, hero sections are evolving to make better use of typography, and in some instances, feature typographic elements as the primary or sole element in this important area. This approach feels more modern and urban than traditional image-based hero sections. It also lets you reduce your use of images on your website, lowering load times and increasing mobile usability.

Example: Kirifuda

How to Use Typography to take Advantage of Web Design Trends

While minimalistic websites long have prominently featured typography in websites, the trend for 2022 is bigger, bolder, and with an increased reliance on typographic elements as standalone features. Bigger typography works in many websites, whether you’re going for a minimalist or maximalist design, or something in between. Just make sure you choose fonts that are easily readable and match your overall branding.

Contact Black Raven AFC to talk about how your website could benefit from new design.

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