Website Design Mistakes You Want to Avoid
Websites are so integral to a company’s fortunes on the internet. A good website can help you find your audience, so it’s important that companies focus on getting them right. While the initial stages require a lot of chopping and adjusting according to a set budget, you can still do enough to make them look excellent.
Taking examples from Ran Segall’s work, here are 4 mistakes you should avoid:
- Using zoomed-in images:
On the home page, you want to showcase the most beautiful images so that your products are the hero. Always try to opt for images that can invoke some sort of emotion or catch the eye of the user immediately.
Usage of the whole space for the hero product on the home page can make a world of difference.
- Understand your brand colors well:
Brand colors play such an important role in giving your brand the required tonality with which others can identify you. If you’re in the food sector, for example, using colors like red, yellow and green makes sense.
Make sure your brand colors are set from the beginning and remain consistent with them. Soon, you’ll notice that it becomes more identifiable and recognized.
- Keep the menu tabs short:
The home page menu tabs need to only be there if they’re needed. A lot of tabs at the top can be cluttered and confuse the user.
Keep only those headers that you think are necessary and you’ll notice the site looking cleaner right away!
We hope this helped! Go out there and create a website that sells well. Good luck!
[All work shared in this article is based on Ran Segall’s website redesigns on his Instagram @ransegall]
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