What Every Good Video Testimonial Needs
Four elements to consider while filming a testimonial video.
Video testimonials work as the impetus when your audience needs to make a key decision. A good video testimonial must consider the following elements:
- Set expectations:
Facing a camera isn’t easy-going for everyone. So, it is important to make your clients feel comfortable. Share your perspective for that particular video with them in advance. Let them know what expectations you have for the video shoot. Discuss the schedule and other necessary details for a candid conversation, and make them comfortable about being on screen.
- Prepare questions:
Develop questions prior to your shoot that will ensure the desired topics are covered with the interviewee. This way you can get all the information that is required to create an effective video, and the shoot can be smooth sailing.
- Make it natural:
Video testimonials should look like real conversations; no one likes stilted content that seems forced. Present an organic, informative conversation with the client, that comes off as genuine.
- Focus on the benefits:
Every customer out there wants to know about the benefits of your product or service. Avoid talking about their features or technicalities; discuss what problems your product/service solves.
Overall, keep the video short and simple, and avoid stretching the truth (testimonial videos should usually be between 45 seconds to 3 minutes in length). Make your video a beautiful blend of relevant messages within a short time duration. Now… time to prepare questions for your shoot! Need additional help? Reach up!
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