Creating A Facebook Post? Here’s A Mini Checklist.

Social media is all about one thing – garnering attention. Businesses, individuals (and sometimes even pets) all have an account for the same reason and that’s to spread their message or push products on the popular social networking platform of your choice. 

With regards to businesses, Facebook posts are all about educating an audience about their brands and connecting with them, and hopefully, get them to click on your website and generate a lead. If you’re a business on Facebook, here are three things you need to keep in mind while creating Facebook posts:

  • Add a CTA:

On Facebook, you need to add a CTA button to help interested individuals take the next step. You can also tailor the message to help people take the next business action you desire.

Creating a post with action buttons gives the audience a better idea about how your business runs and what it offers, and gives you the opportunity to convert.

  • Always use Page Insights:

With Page Insights, you can understand exactly the type of content your customers love to consume. Once you understand which posts get the most engagement, your posting strategy can be tailored to create the most engagement.

As you track engagements, you’ll be able to understand which posts drive specific results for your brand.

  • Use all types of content:

Facebook’s expanded its arsenal of display ads, and you should take advantage of the same. You can start using Stories, Carousels, Performance Ads, in-store ads and so much more.

Keep it versatile, interesting and ultimately easy to track, and Facebook posting for your brand becomes a breeze!

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