Posting to LinkedIn in 2020

LinkedIn is the most sought-after platform for professional networking. The users create, curate, and share content to become influencers, explore new opportunities, and network with other professionals.

Content marketing is the soul of LinkedIn. However, you need to create competent content that helps you to engage with the audience. Here are some content ideas you can try on LinkedIn:

  • Blog posts: You can create blog content by clicking on “Write an article” on the top of your feed. You can also share links to blogs as “status updates” or republish existing blogs to LinkedIn (syndication). Long-form content is a good way to establish your expertise in a particular field. Make sure your content is compelling and serves the purpose.
  • Text: All-text posts are evergreen. LinkedIn allows text posts with a character limit of 1300. These posts should be authentic and serve value to the readers. Put your messages in a precise manner. No hyperlinks or images. Touch the subjects that resonate with your followers. Let people know that you care about them. Use relevant hashtags and maintain a conversational tone.
  • Native Video: Share unsponsored video content. A short video works better. Duration of 15 seconds or less is perfect. Include subtitles and textual content. Add a powerful CTA when needed. For example, a video summarizing your workshop must include where the viewers can find the workshop content.

New podcast episodes, screenshots, live videos, case studies and links are some other types of content you can share on LinkedIn.

Consistency is the key. Make sure you abide by it to get the most out of your LinkedIn content marketing strategy.

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