What You Need to Know to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly
A beautiful, functional website is excellent, but it’s not all that’s required these days. With more and more people using only their phone for almost all digital browsing, having a mobile-friendly website is incredibly important. They help attract more customers, reduce the bounce rate of your website, and generate more sales.
Here are some helpful tips for creating a mobile-friendly website:
- Make it responsive: Being responsive is a unified approach that allows you to create a similar experience for the user no matter whether they are accessing the site from desktop or mobile. Use a responsive technology framework to lay out elements in a grid.
- Think with your thumb: This is an underrated tip. Make your website completely navigable with one thumb or index finger. Your website should require no pinching or zooming to read the content.
- Keep the design simple: Most people are attracted to neat and minimal design, that can be grasped without squinting. Too many graphics can reduce the site’s ability to load quickly. Remember: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
- Make it fast: People lose patience with slow websites. If your website takes more than a few seconds to load, users will quickly switch their focus to something else.
- Keep the content short and sweet: A short and crisp copy goes a long way. Mobile users want to scroll quickly, so create attention-grabbing content for your website.
Ensure you test the mobile user experience before launching your site. Good luck!
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